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Unit 01 Key Terms- Section 02

Unit 01 Key Terms- Section 02

Q Lessons: 2.1 The Louisiana Purchase Era 2.2 The War of 1812 2.3 Domestic Politics 2.4 Growing Tensions 2.5 The American Civil War Begins 2.6 Union Versus Confederacy 2.7 The New South Please define each key terms in its appropriate historical context using complete sentences. You may add additional bullet-point details to initial definitions when necessary. 1. Napoleon Bonaparte 2. Charles Maurice Talleyrand 3. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 4. Sacajawea 5. Lieutenant Zebulon Pike 6. Macon's Bill No. 2 7. War Hawks 8. Tecumseh 9. The Star Spangled Banner 10. Battle of New Orleans 11. General Andrew Jackson 12. Treaty of Ghent 13. Spoils System 14. Indian Removal Act of 1830/Trail of Tears 15. Missouri Compromise 16. Manifest Destiny 17. Popular sovereignty 18. Underground Railroad 19. Fugitive Slave Act 20. Anaconda Plan 21. Battle of Gettysburg 22. Appomattox Courthouse 23. Reconstruction 24. Reconstruction Amendments (Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen) 25. Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

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1. Napoleon Bonaparte – French Revolution can be associated with this personality because of the military contribution in wars. There had been leadership shown for the French citizens during the early 19th century. 2. Charles Maurice Talleyrand – The association of this personality is with Benevento because the title of the prince of this region/territory had been given to this personality.